The solar panel is very effectively, feeding charge directly to a mobile phone even on a cloudy day in February just shy of 57 degrees North. I'm impressed by the build quality and the thought given to it as a package. It all folds up into a package the size of slim book, and clicks shut with a magnetic in a convincing way. There are a bunch of small loops around the edge so it's been easy to hang in a Southern window for charging. All the accessories fit into a zipped pouch, where they can sit and work while everything is charging as well as for storage. I'd want to have a look at what is poking out before I transported it like this, but I can see it would be a great little setup to have along on a cycling or canoeing trip, and might even be light enough for hiking if it was important to be able to charge a phone/tablet/mobile internet set up.
I'm looking forward to seeing how well it runs over time, but so far very encouraging.
Just put the first AAA batteries in the headtorch after a day charging in the window and very happy with the result. The next question is about battery life, but at least I have a charging solution.